Information for  researchers planning their next stay in the Czech Republic.
Consult the portal for career opportunities and find relevant information and assistance at

The Czech Mobility Centre provides assistance and consultancy to foreign researchers before and during their stay in the Czech Republic.

To promote the effective participation of the Czech Research in EU-funded research programmes and its integration into European Research Area is the role of CZELO (Czech Liaison Office for Research and  Development).

EURAXESS – Researchers in Motion“ is a unique web portal providing access to a complete range of information and support services for European and non-European researchers wishing to pursue research careers in Europe. The new EURAXESS site brings together four major initiatives which support the mobility of researchers in Europe: EURAXESS Jobs, EURAXESS Services, EURAXESS Rights and EURAXESS Links.

Home in the Czech Republic This Website should facilitate the foreigner´s living in the Czech Republic. You can find here a number of practical advice for living, but also interesting news from the societal life of communities living in the Czech Republic.

Vlastník stránky: RČVUT - Odbor zahraničních vztahů, Last changed: 15.01.2025