Call for Applications: Deadline April 30, 2025

Czech Technical University in Prague – International Postdoc Programme (CROP)  will recruit a total of 30 incoming researchers with a recent PhD degree (see Eligibility criteria below) for a full 18-month employment contract.  Candidates should prepare their own research proposal from the topics offered .

Application form should be filled  and all required documents uploaded using the dedicated electronic form.


Eligibility criteria

* PhD degree at the time of the deadline for applications
Applicants who have successfully defended their doctoral thesis but who have not yet formally been awarded the doctoral degree will also be considered eligible to apply 

* maximum of 8 years experience in research, from the date of the award of their PhD degree till the time of the Call opening
years of experience outside research and career breaks will not count towards the above maximum.

* previous studies compatible with the project they intend to apply with 

Mobility: applicants must not have resided or carried out their main activity in the Czech Republic for more than 12 months in the 3 years prior to the Calls’ deadline (career breaks not counted). 


Benefits and Conditions

Gross monthly salary of 83 531 CzK/month*
Family allowance 9044 CZK/month (for applicants with dependent family members)
Travel support for conferences and secondments
Research costs1 

*The gross monthly salary CZK is under the standard scheme in the Czech Republic and includes mandatory social and health insurance. Therefore the gross salary contains an employee contribution to social and health insurance of 11% and it is standardly taxable (15 % rate). Some tax discounts are given to e.g. employees with children. 

Example: a single researcher would get 61 813 CzK as net salary

The offered salary is equivalent to the standard MSCA individual postdoc award and it is highly competitive (double the average salary in Czechia, the typical salary of an Associate professor) 

Required documents  to be uploaded from the Application form

  1. CV including a list of 
    a)  Invited presentations to conferences and/or international advanced schools,
    b)  Organisation of International conferences  (membership in the steering and/or programme committee),
    c)  Prizes ,Awards, and Scholarships
    d)  Projects funded and/or active participation,
    e) Examples of participation in industrial innovation, if any.
  2. List of publications
    Journal papers first, conference papers second, followed by patents. 
  3. Research proposal
    Select one of the  topics offered
    Describe the scope, objectives and foreseen research and training activities, including cooperation with the Associated partner.
    Required sections: 1) Excellence, 2) Impact incl. expected outputs of the project, 3) Quality and Efficiency of the Implementation 4), Personal motivation: description of career goals, foreseen advancement in research and professional skills of the Applicant.
    Consult your proposal with the respective Mentor. You are encouraged to communicate with mentor before you submit the application.
  4. PhD diploma (or certificate of defense)

Applicants should select one topic from the List of topics and prepare their own Research proposal.
It is recommended that the applicants contact the Mentor of the relevant topic and consult their proposal  in advance.

The Application form is open for modifications until the deadline.

Vlastník stránky: RČVUT - Odbor zahraničních vztahů, Last changed: 27.02.2025