The Student Grant Competition (SGS) has been active at CTU since 2010 and is the successor to the Internal Grant Competition. SGS is funded by the state budget for specific university research, which is provided by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports. The amount offered by CTU for specific research therefore varies every year. Of this amount, a maximum of 10% can be allocated towards student scientific conferences, and the remaining part is divided in the Student Grant Competition. For 2019, the amount of funding totaled CZK 114,772,045 and supported 355 projects and 52 student scientific conferences.

Basic Requirements:

  • An SGS project application may be submitted by a student in a doctoral study program or by an academic staff member at CTU. 
  • Master’s program students at CTU may be members of the project team. 
  • The project’s duration must not exceed three years. 
  • Only an academic staff member may submit conference proposals..

The call for 2020 grants took place in October/November 2019 and in December 2019/January 2020 for conferences. The deadlines for 2021 applications have not yet been determined.

For more information on the application process and a directory of past years’ grants, visit the SGS website. All submission, evaluation and administration of projects (including status updates) takes place in this online portal.

Contact Mgr. Dagmar Dvořáková in the Department of Scientific Research with any questions.

Vlastník stránky: RČVUT - Odbor zahraničních vztahů, Last changed: 27.07.2020