Financial conditions of the study trip in non-European bilateral agreements

  1. Tuition is waived
  2. The selected students will receive a scholarship of CZK 10,000 / month if there is enough available funds in the AC. 2019/20
  3. Agreements between universities also include the way in which students finance their stay at a foreign university – accommodation and meals. This type of financing is described in the contracts in 3 different models:



Students themselves must pay for room and board at the foreign university

Most agreements fall under this model



Students pay the arriving foreign student accommodation and meals here at the CTU, and they will receive the same at a foreign university.

CTU students pay 45 000, – / semester.

This model applies to agreements with MSOE (USA), UC (USA), KSU (USA), CHU (Taiwan)



Students will pay the arriving foreign student accommodation here at CTU, and they will receive the same at a foreign university.

CTU students pay 19 000, – / semester

This model applies to agreements with NTUT (Taiwan)

Vlastník stránky: RČVUT - Odbor zahraničních vztahů, Last changed: 08.11.2018