Application process

My home university has nominated me for Erasmus at CTU in Prague. Where can I find information about my Erasmus stay?

Search the web page:

Where can I find the academic calendar?

Search here:

Do I need a visa?

If you are a citizen of an EU country, Switzerland, Norway, Liechtenstein or Iceland you do not need a visa. Citizens of other countries need a visa. Non-EU citizens studying at an EU university can participate in the Erasmus programme, but are required to apply for a student visa.

See, but have in mind that visa requirements and procedures can change, so look at the answer to the next FAQ.

I need a visa, where can I find some information how to apply?

Search here:

Is on-line registration really necessary?

Yes, only students successfully registered can be accepted for an Erasmus and Exchange stay at CTU in Prague. Provide the registration here:

Can I take courses from different faculties?

Yes, you should normally take most of your courses at your host CTU faculty (minimum 50%). BUT you can also apply for courses at other CTU faculties. Note that the Architectural Design Course at the Faculty of Architecture is available only for students registered at the Faculty of Architecture.

I’m not able to find my university on the list in the on-line registration. What’s wrong?

The bilateral agreement between your home university and CTU in Prague probably expired or doesn’t exist. Ask your home university for help.

I’d like to do an internship at CTU in Prague. Is on-line registration also valid for me?

No, the International office doesn’t manage internships. Please make direct contact with the department of the faculty in which you’d like to do your stay.

What is the next step after registration?

Print your forms, get them stamped and signed by you and your home university. Send them to the contact person for incoming students before the deadline.

I can’t print the forms, what’s wrong?

Please check if you put your transcript of records into the on-line registration. You aren’t allowed to print your forms without completing this step.

I’m successfully registered, but I haven’t chosen the courses yet. Will my forms be accepted?

No, only forms with the learning agreement fully completed can be accepted.

I received notification that my learning agreement has been approved, but some courses are crossed out. What does this mean?

These courses haven’t been approved by the faculty, because the capacity is full or because you do not have the prerequisites to take these courses. You will be able to add/change courses after your arrival in Prague, during the Orientation Week.

I don’t want to take taught classes, but I’d like to come for a project. What should I do?

Search projects in Prospectus :

If you aren’t able to find a project suitable for you, send the following information about your project to Lucie Bilova (Erasmus+) or Lucie Berkmanova (Bilateral agreements, non EU countries) and they can try to arrange a supervisor for you:

  1. A description of the topic of your project – more than one sentence. Give enough information for us to be able to find the right supervisor for you.
  2. The name of the faculty and the department suitable for your work
  3. The number of credits you expect (e.g., the number of ECTS credits that you will earn for the project at your home university)
  4. The name of your supervisor at your home university

Can I search for a supervisor personally and contact him/her?

Yes, we really appreciate your activity and the activity of your supervisor at your home university in this case!

The faculty didn’t approve any of courses that I chose. What shall I do?

You can discuss and negotiate the possibility of taking these courses with the responsible persons at the faculties. Ask Lucie Bilova (Erasmus+) or Lucie Berkmanova (Bilateral agreements, non EU countries)  for contacts. Alternatively, you can change the courses that you apply for and add the new ones during the final registration at the faculties after your arrival.

Do I have to declare my language skills by some official document (TOEFL and so on)?

International Office requires a certified level of at least B2 according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages.

An equivalent certificate will be acceptable.

A certificate of English language skills for Erasmus and Exchange students is required as an attachment to the application form.

Can I take an English as a second language course at CTU?

Generally, we expect Erasmus and exchange students to have at least a B2 level in English before they arrive, and we ask partner universities to nominate only students with at least B2 level. We have therefore taken the decision that it is not CTU’s task to provide courses in English as a second language for Erasmus and exchange students. However, CTU faculties may offer some places on courses in English as a second language, and you can apply for these by putting them in your Learning Agreement. Many private language schools in Prague offer English as a second language courses. The International Student Club offers some courses in English (and many other languages), free of charge Language programs – Activities | ESN CTU in Prague (

We emphasize that partner universities should not send Erasmus and exchange students with inadequate language skills for the courses that they will be taking.


What’s ESN?

ESN (The Erasmus Student Network) is the main partner of the International Office. ESN integrates exchange students into life in the Czech Republic and into events at the university. ESN organizes a buddy system. Find more here:

I have the courses pre-registered. Is this everything that I need to do in order to be registered for the courses?

The final registration is provided at the faculties. The registration is provided from the second day of the orientation week till the end of the second week of the semester.

An ESM volunteer will take you to your faculty to finalize your registration at a fixed time in the Orientation Week. This is an important appointment for you – DO NOT MISS IT.  Students are allowed to change the courses mostly during the first week of the semester.


How can I get accommodation in a CTU dormitory?

Search here

Can I get a single room?

CTU dormitory accommodation is basically offered in two-bed rooms, and this is the accommodation that we are able to arrange for Erasmus and exchange students before their arrival. Sometimes, when the dorm isn’t totally full, the receptionist of the dorm can arrange a single room for students – a supplementary accommodation fee is charged. Single accommodation is more likely to be available in the summer semester than for the winter semester, when the dorms are usually full. Ask the receptionist of your block after your arrival about this possibility and also about financial conditions. Please note that CTU does not offer luxury accommodation, which can however be rented privately.

I was accepted and got a place at the dormitory. Do I have to arrive exactly on the first day from which I have the place reserved? Can I enter the dorm during the night and during the weekend?

The place in the dorm is normally reserved from about 4 days before the Orientation Week begins. The exact day is written in the letter of acceptance, and this is the first day you can get a place in the dorm. You don’t have to arrive exactly on this day! You pay for the accommodation from your actual arrival date. The dorms are open non-stop and you can arrive at night and during the weekend, too.

Do I have to pay any money before my arrival?

The returnable deposit of CZK 3500 must be paid till the date announced you by the Central Accommodation Service (otherwise your place will be redistributed to another student). Your deposit will be returned at the end of your accommodation period when you hand back your room in good order and have fulfilled your obligations under the accommodation agreement. You’ll also sign the accommodation agreement there. The agreement is in English and you can find a sample of the housing contract here: Please read the contract carefully before signing!

How much will I pay after my arrival?

The accommodation fee for 2 months (CZK 6 000 – 10000), the insurance (CZK 300 for your whole stay), deposit for the electricity (CZK 150 per one month), internet connection (if you’d like to have it) CZK 800 per one semester.

Can I pay by card?

This is possible only at Masarykova dormitory and Strahov block 1 – central reception and you are asked to pay about 4 Euro fee for this service. At other dorms you are asked to pay cash in Czech crowns.

So, if I am staying in a CTU dorm, how much money do I need to have available in cash in Czech crowns, when I arrive?

CZK 15 000 will cover it. You are advised to have CZK 500 to join ESN, and some cash to pay for the highly recommended trips that ESN organises at the end of the Orientation Week. Unfortunately, it is necessary to pay out quite a lot in your first few days in Prague, but be assured that the basic cost of living for a student in Prague is considerably less than for a student in most European capital cities. Give the attention to the limit on your card!

How can I change my room inside the same the dorm?

Ask the receptionist of your dorm. She is in charge.

How can I change to another dormitory (block)?

The “changing period” in the winter semester usually begins at the beginning of November. Students coming for the summer semester can usually ask for a change one or two weeks after their arrival.

Who should I ask for the change?

Go to the dormitory where you’d like to stay and ask the receptionist if there is a free place for you. If she agrees with your proposed move, go to the dorm in which you are currently staying, and ask the receptionist for “moving papers”. Move on the same day when you get the moving papers.

Can I leave the dorm during the semester and get my deposit back?

When you enter the dorm, you sign an Agreement for a fixed period, normally one semester or two semesters. If you decide to leave the dormitory, you are breaking your Agreement, and, according to that Agreement, you lose your deposit. Students can get their deposit back only if they leave a maximum of 30 days before their agreement terminates, i.e. at the end of the semester. The International Office can ask the central accommodation service to give the deposit back to student only in special cases (e.g. illness).

The receptionist in my dorm doesn’t speak English. Who can help me?

Please ask your buddy or some student from ESN for help. In emergency cases ask the International Office.


I left the dorm and asked my roommate to hand in my key. Is this OK?

No, please don’t do it! Your roommate could forget to give the key back, and you will have to pay for all the days until the key is handed in! This could cost you a lot of money! It is your responsibility to hand in the key.

What do I have to do before leaving the dorm at the end of my stay?

Several days before you’d like to leave, announce the exact day of your departure to the receptionist of your dorm. Hand the room over in good condition in order to get your deposit back. Don’t forget to hand in the key!

Where do I get the transcript of records at the end of my stay in Prague?

Erasmus+ and Swiss students of other faculties ask Ms Lucy Bílová from the International Office by email.

Non-EU partner university students of other faculties ask Ms Lucie Berkmanova from the International Office by email.

Grading Scale of the Czech Technical University in Prague:

ECTS grade points English – in words
C 79-70 GOOD
F 49-0 FAIL


PASSED – this indicates that the student has completed the required work for a course for which grades are not awarded.

I originally applied to spend one semester at CTU in Prague as Erasmus or Exchange student, and I’d like to prolong my stay for a second semester. Can I do it and who should I ask for?

The stay must be completed within one academic year, so only students who spend the winter semester in Prague can apply to prolong their stay. CTU will normally only agree if there are still places available for more students from your university within the academic year’s balance.

Here is the procedure:

Ask your home university to nominate you for the second semester and let them inform Ms. Lucy Bilova  (Erasmus+ and Switzerland) or Ms.Lucie Berkmanova  (non-EU universities) about your nomination, by e-mail – see the contact information in the Fact Sheet.

If your host faculty at CTU in Prague also agrees, the International Office will handle the administrative procedures to prolong your stay.

Vlastník stránky: RČVUT - Odbor zahraničních vztahů, Last changed: 23.01.2025